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1716 Court St, #101
Redding, CA, 96001
United States

(530) 244-1716

The Elder Law Center of Nancy Gottes handles Wills, Trusts, Probate Estates, Conservatorships, Guardianships. Medi-Cal, VA Benefits, Asset Protection & Estate Planning


About Nancy

About Nancy Gottes

NANCY J. GOTTES is a sole practitioner in Redding and owns the Elder Law Center.

Nancy has for the past 25 years specialized in the areas of Elder Law.

Her father and brother are active attorneys as well. Nancy received her Bachelor of Arts degree from California State University at Long Beach and her Juris Doctorate degree from Western State School of Law in l985.

Nancy is currently on the advisory board of the Golden Umbrella and an active member of the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys.

In addition, Nancy has taught a class on the Essentials of Elder Law at Simpson University in Redding.

Nancy is also a regular contributor to Todays Senior Magazine.